FOCUS AREA: Accessibility
ARO Ā TAKE: Āheitanga
Making access to the community as easy as possible is fundamental to encouraging older people to remain engaged, especially as physical and/or health issues make life more challenging.
Ensuring that information is readily available to those who want to know what is on offer.
- Knowing what’s available
- Older person’s expo for information provision
- The Ready for Living Coordinator attends meetings/groups to inform older persons of upcoming events, courses and shares relevant information
- Online service directory for services, groups, clubs and sports – Gore Directory
Ready for Living is working to ensure information is continued to be provided in different formats, including hard copy at accessible places.
You can also get information from:
Suzie Bruce – Ready for Living Project Lead, 021 1980 480
Community Connections Centre, Cnr Main & Charlton Rd, 03 208 8480
Gore Information Centre, Norfolk Street, 03 203 9288
Physical Access
Physical access challenges can be overcome to ensure that older people (and others with reduced physical ability) can access private and public buildings.
- Age-friendly buildings and services
Universal design will help make buildings age friendly include hand rails, ramps, high seating with armrests, automatic doors, no mats and non slip flooring.
Part of our ‘Aspiring to be age friendly’ business/ service initiative focuses on the environment, this allows the businesses and services involved to self assess physical aspects in their own business. More information in Age Friendly Business
Hazard Mitigation
Putting measures in place to minimise the hazards which can disrupt active participation in the community.
- Communication process to notify GDC of identified hazards eg footpath tripping hazards
Disaster management and preparedness programmes need to cater for and make sure needs of the older persons are meet.
The attitude of the community towards older people plays a huge part in their willingness and confidence to play an active part.
- Community education buy-in
Accreditation Scheme
Giving older people confidence that service providers are going to treat them well.
- Agreed standards and commitments (including reporting concerns)
- Dementia friendly business
- Age inclusive business register
We would love to hear from you! What do you think needs to be done to make Gore District the place you would want to stay in for your older years?